How Soon Can You Take a Pregnancy Test, and What Comes Next?

January 31, 2024  By: Women's Health Team

A woman holding a pregnancy test

Content medically reviewed by Stephanie Delvo, MD

When you are trying to get pregnant, you want to find out as soon as possible if you will soon be welcoming a new bundle of joy into your family. But how soon can you take a pregnancy test after having sex?

"Pregnancy tests measure human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the pregnancy hormone created by the pregnancy and found in the urine. After intercourse, it takes several days for conception, when the sperm fertilizes an egg to form an embryo, and can take several more for implantation, when the embryo implants into the lining of the uterus," said Stephanie Delvo, MD, OB/GYN at Essentia Health. "Next, the placenta starts to form, which releases hCG. The time from intercourse to a positive pregnancy test can take up to two weeks."

Every Woman Is Different

So how do you know exactly when to take the test? You are most likely to get pregnant when ovulation happens, or when an ovary releases an egg. But this happens at different times during the menstrual cycle for every woman. Implantation of the embryo happens at different times as well — 10 days after conception on average.

While some women could show a positive result even before a missed period, it's best to wait until after the first day your period is due for the most accurate result. Even then, up to 10% of women could still test negative, even if they are actually pregnant.

How Reliable Are Home Pregnancy Tests?

"Home pregnancy tests are generally very accurate if used correctly," Dr. Delvo said. "Many tests claim to work even before a missed period, but these results are going to be less accurate with a higher possibility of a false negative or false positive result. If you do not get regular periods, you should wait at least two weeks after unprotected intercourse to take a home pregnancy test."

False negatives can happen when you take the test too early, you check the test result too quickly, or you take the test late in the day. If you think you might have gotten a false negative, Dr. Delvo recommends taking another test in a week or contacting your healthcare provider.

"For the most accurate results, it is best to take a home pregnancy test early in the morning when levels of hCG in the urine are more concentrated," Dr. Delvo said. "False positive test results are rare but can be the result of a recent pregnancy loss or taking fertility medications."

What to Do After Getting a Positive Pregnancy Test Result

You just took a home pregnancy test and the result came back positive. What should you do next?

"After getting a positive result on a home pregnancy test, contact your healthcare provider to schedule your first visit," Dr. Delvo said. "Your provider will answer any questions or concerns you may have and start prenatal care to keep you and your baby healthy."

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