Bill of Rights for Children & Teens

Rest assured that no matter your age, you’ll get care that respects you and your needs at Essentia Health. Learn what you and your family can expect from us by reviewing our Bill of Rights for Children and Teens.

At Essentia Health, I have the right to:

  • To expect the very best of care.
  • To have my privacy honored.
  • To have my family with me as much as possible. When this is not possible, people caring for me will explain why.
  • To be assured that I will have space and time to do things that help children my age grow and learn.
  • To expect that my doctors, nurses and care team will teach me and my family all we need to know about my illness, so I can get better and stay well.
  • To have hearing and language interpreters available to help explain things.
  • To be treated as a growing child with special needs and interests, not just those related to my illness or disability.
  • To cry because I’m lonely or afraid. I have the right to expect understanding of my feelings and tender loving care.
  • To be taken care of by a team who knows about children and teenagers.
  • To have my everyday needs taken care of, like brushing my hair and washing my hands, and to have clean clothes. I may need help to keep my clothes and body clean.
  • To have a neat, clean room with equipment that works.
  • To expect people taking care of me to write down what I can and cannot do, and make plans to help me get better. The people who will take care of me after I leave the hospital will know this plan.
  • To trust that I will be told what to expect at all times. I know some things will hurt, but my care team will do their best to make sure that I feel comfortable.
  • To make choices and decisions whenever possible. Sometimes I can help to decide when and where to get my treatments.
  • To trust that my reports of pain will be believed, and responded to quickly.
  • To know all the people who take care of me. My family and I can meet with them to plan what is best for me.
  • To let the doctors, nurses and care team know when I am unhappy about the care I received. They will listen and talk to me about why I am unhappy.

My responsibilities as a patient are:

  • To be honest and answer all questions truthfully.
  • To tell my nurses, doctors and care team how I feel.
  • To follow hospital rules.
  • To do my best to do what my doctor, nurses and care team asks so I can get better.
  • To ask my doctor, nurses and care team to explain when I do not understand what they are asking me to do.
  • To rest, play, and learn.
  • To let my doctor, nurses and care team know when I am unhappy about my care.

Respect & Personal Dignity

  • You are important. We want to get to know you. We will take time to listen to you.
  • We will tell you who we are.
  • We will honor your privacy.

Care That Supports You & Your Family

  • You and your family are important. We will work together to make you as safe and comfortable as possible.
  • All families are unique. We want to know what is important to you and your family.
  • You can have your family with you as much as possible. When this is not possible, people caring for you will explain why.

Information You Can Understand

  • We will explain things to you. You can ask what is happening to you and why.
  • Someone from your family can be with you when people are explaining things to you.
  • You will be provided information about pain relief measures.
  • We have hearing and language interpreters available who will help explain things.

Quality Health Care

  • You will be taken care of by a team who knows about children and teenagers.
  • You have the right to know all of the people who take care of you. You and your family can meet with them to plan what is best for you.
  • We will tell you what to expect at all times.
  • We know sometimes things will hurt. We will do the best to make you comfortable.
  • You can trust your reports of pain will be believed, that we will respond quickly to these reports.

Emotional Support

  • When you are in our facility, you might feel scared, mad, tired, lonely, or sad. You can let people know how you feel.
  • You can express your feelings in the ways that are best for you.
  • We can help you meet children and families who have had experiences like yours.
  • You can wear your own clothing most of the time and keep your special things with you.
  • You can talk with people who know how to help when you have questions or problems.
  • You can ask to be moved to another room if you are uncomfortable or unhappy and we will try to make it happen.

Care That Respects Your Need to Grow, Play, & Learn

  • We will consider all your interests and needs, not just those related to your illness or disability.
  • You have the right to rest, play, and learn. We will make sure you have space and time to do things that help children your age grow and learn.

Make Choices & Decisions

  • You and your family have the right to make choices and decisions whenever possible. Sometimes you can help decide when and where you get your treatments

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